01 Mar 4 steps to overcome self doubt
Self doubt: crusher of dreams, sales & growth
The voice of destruction
The ambassador for a shrunken, safe little life
There will be members of your team that are suffering from this condition – in fact, no one is immune to it.
How do you know if you are suffering from self doubt?
- Setting goals which are safe
- Fear of dreaming big
- Pushing the deadline for a goal far into the distanc
- Seeking reassurance from friends, family and colleagues
- Comparing yourself to others – then criticising yourself
- Filling your mind with unhelpful chatter
- Resent your goal
- Justifying why something wouldn’t work
- Big generalised statements ‘no one’s buying at the moment’
- Fear of being found out ‘imposter syndrome’
- Stall taking action
- Self sabotage – overeating, not sleeping enough, drinking too much
Why do we doubt ourselves?
Put very simply – our minds are wired and programmed to keep us safe. Anything that is unfamiliar is interpreted by our mind as a threat and so creates a feeling of fear.
4 steps to take back control
- Get absolute clarity on what your goal looks like, as though you are in the success of it
- Know the difference between the What and the How
- Be clear on the purpose of your goal, why is it valuable to you?
- Take one action that is a ‘no turning back step’ such as announcing a launch date.
I have created various tools to help you. The P.O.W.E.R Workbook can help you get motivated and really support your brilliance, and that of your team.
Sign up to download your copy here >>>> http://eepurl.com/daeBg9
Encourage you team to take this 5 minute quiz to find out where they are on the scale of self doubt >>> https://app.brandquiz.io/catherine/is-self-doubt-destroying-your-career
Once you have your results, download this worksheet to help you and them overcome self doubt >>> Overcome Self Doubt Download
If you want your team to feel ambitious, hopeful, excited and EMPOWERED to succeed then my keynote talk will IGNITE that flame of possibility……and then the magnet towards succeeding.
Find out more here >>> https://powerforsuccess.co.uk/lisa-clifford-speaker/
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